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    to the bone

    • ph.
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      (指言語、問題等)不客氣或不圓滑地揭露關於某人/物的真相 Some of his comments about her appearance were a bit close to the bone. 他對她外貌的一些評論有點太露骨了。
    • ph.
      大幅度地減少某事物 Train services have been cut to the bone. 列車車次已大幅度減少。
    • ph.
      大幅度地減少某事物 Our budget has been pared to the bone. 我們的預算已削減到最低限度。
    • ph.
      感到寒氣刺骨 You will be chilled to the bone without your overcoat. 要是不穿大衣你會感到寒氣刺骨。
    • ph.
      感到寒氣刺骨 You will be chilled to the bone without your overcoat. 要是不穿大衣你會感到寒氣刺骨。
    • ph.
      使某人感到非常冷 Come by the fire -- you must be chilled to the marrow! 到火旁邊來吧--你一定凍壞了。
    • ph.
      拼命工作 All the staff of the city government worked themselves to the bones for the upcoming Universiade. 所有市府的職員都為即將到來的世大運而拼命工作。
    • ph.
      拼命工作 All the staff of the city government worked themselves to the bones for the upcoming Universiade. 所有市府的職員都為即將到來的世大運而拼命工作。
    • ph.
      不住手地做 They worked their fingers to the bone trying to get the house painted before dark. 他們不停地做, 想在天黑之前把房子漆完。
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