- KK[ˋtʌŋɪnˋtʃik]
- DJ[ˋtʌŋinˋtʃi:k]
- 無誠意的(地);假心假意的(地);不可當真的(地);開玩笑地
- 釋義
- 相關詞
a. &
- 1. 無誠意的(地);假心假意的(地);不可當真的(地);開玩笑地 I am beginning to fall in love with you. He said so with tongue-in-cheek. 「我已經開始愛上妳了。」他開玩笑地說。
- 假心假意地,言不由衷地
- 半開玩笑地 He said, with tongue in cheek, that he would have me as his wife when he grew up. 他半開玩笑地說,等他長大之後要我作他的妻子。
- 半開玩笑地 He said, with tongue in cheek, that he would have me as his wife when he grew up. 他半開玩笑地說,等他長大之後要我作他的妻子。
- 說話不老實,說話帶刺,假心假意地,毫無誠意地,話裏有話地,挖苦地
- 無誠意地, 虛情假意地 He said he would go to see them, but I suspected that he said it with his tongue in his cheek. 他說他要去看他們, 但我懷疑他是言不由衷。 He looked serious enough, but I know that he said it with his tongue in cheek. 他看起來一本正經, 但我知道他是口是心非的。
- 半開玩笑;調侃
- 虛情假意地 He was saying that with his tongue in his cheek. 他只不過是虛情假意說說罷了。
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- 挖苦的; 隨便說說的
- 挖苦地; 隨口地 ‘and we all know what a passionate love life I have!’ he said, tongue-in-cheek “並且大家都知道我的愛情生活多麼富有激情!”他自嘲地說
- 不認真的,不當真的,半開玩笑的