Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. take on

    • ph.
      承擔; 僱傭; 取得;接受(挑戰)
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    • 1. 承擔; 僱傭; 取得 He can't take on any new jobs at this time. He already has too much to do. 目前他不能承擔任何新的工作, 他手頭的活都做不完哩。 With this new explaination, his response takes on a new meaning. 經過這番新的解釋, 他的回答就有了新的含義。
    • 2. 接受(挑戰) I'll take the work on, but I can't tell you exactly when I'll finish it. 我接受這項工作, 但是我不能確切地告訴你何時能完成。
    • 3. (口)發火; 動怒 Don't take on so! 別這麼激動!
    • 4. 具有; 呈現 The insect can take on the color of its surroundings. 這種昆蟲能隨環境而變色。
    • 5. 【口】流行; 時髦; 受歡迎 The idea never really took on. 這一觀念一向不太得人心。


    「承擔; 僱傭; 取得」的反義字

    • ph.
      接受; 理解 I tried my best to explain the matter to him, but he seemed unable to take in what I was saying. 我盡力向他解釋這件事, 但他似乎不能理解我的話。 They listen to my lecture, but how much did they take in, I wonder. 他們聽我的課但是我不清楚他們理解了多少。
    • ph.
      開始學, 做, 喜歡上; 接受 When he left school he took up journalism. 他畢業以後就從事新聞工作。 Do you know I dropped medicine and took up physics? 你知道嗎我放棄了醫學開始攻讀物理學?
    • ph.
      喜歡; 沈溺於 I was introduced to the headmistress. I can't say I took to her. 他們介紹我認識了女校長, 我不能說我喜歡她。 He took to drinking shortly after his wife died. 在他太太死後不久他就沈溺於喝酒。
    • ph.
      拆開; 仔細檢查, 仔細分析 He took the lawn mower apart, but failed to locate the trouble. 他把除草機拆開, 但找不出毛病在哪裡。 They took apart every detail of the alibi. 他們對被告聲稱當時不在犯罪現場的証據逐一仔細檢查。
    • ph.
      採取行動 We have to take action to stop them. 我們得採取行動來制止他們。
    • ph.
      (狐狸等獵物)進入地洞 The fox took earth within a hundred yards of the leading hound. 那隻狐狸在距離帶隊獵狗不到100碼的地方躲進洞穴。
    • ph.
      取下; 寫下 I suggested that she take down the most frequently used dishes to a lower shelf. 我建議他把最常用的碗碟放在碗櫥的下層。 The typist took down the letter in shorthand. 打字員把那封信速記下來。
    • ph.
      取出; 請人... I took out a packet of cigarettes and offered the man one. 我拿出一包香菸, 請這個人吸一支。 She told me that she would like to take the children out for a walk. 她告訴我她想帶孩子們出去散步。
    • ph.
      (種子)長出根來 The seeds germinated and took root. 種子發芽生根。
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