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  1. take seriously

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    • 1. 認真對待 You can't take her promises seriously: she never keeps her word. 她答應的事不必當真, 她從來說話不算數。 I take this threat very seriously. 我認為這種威脅非同小可。
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      【書】成為...的所有者; 佔有
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      飛翔; 飛走 As soon as we go on a holiday, our money seems to take wing. 我們一去度假時, 錢就飛也似地花掉了。 This is the time of the year when migrating birds take wing. 這是一年中候鳥起飛遷居的時候了。
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      小心; 當心; 注意 You should take more care over your work. 工作時, 你應該更小心。 Take care (that) you don't get run over when you cross the street. 小心過馬路時別被車子輾過。
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      任御用律師 After fifteen years as a barrister, she took silk. 她當了十五年的訟務律師之後, 擔任了御用律師。
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      偏袒 It's never wise to take sides in someone else's family quarrel. 在別人的家庭糾紛中, 袒護任何一方都很不明智。 The children all took sides with the mother when she left her husband. 當她離開丈夫時, 孩子們都向著她。
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      減少; 降低 John may not have lived a blameless life, but that does not take from his achievement as a poet. 約翰不可能生活得平平靜靜一點不受指責, 但這並沒有減少他作為一個詩人的成就。 The slight damage did not take from the engine's power. 那點輕微的損壞並不減低引擎的威力。
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      實現, 成形 Their new home took shape as the weeks went by. 只過去幾個星期他們的家已基本成形。 Plans for our vacation are beginning to take shape. 我們度假的計劃正在開始實現。
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      生病 He fell taking sick with malaria on a trip to Africa. 他在去非洲時患了瘧疾。
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