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  1. transfer

    • KK[trænsˋfɝ]
    • DJ[trænsˋfə:]


    • vt.[
    • vi.[
    • 過去式:transferred 過去分詞:transferred 現在分詞:transferring

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 搬;轉換;調動 She has been transferred to another department. 她已被調往另一部門。 At the port the goods were transferred onto a ship. 貨物在港口被轉移到一艘船上。
    • 2. 使換車;使轉校 Her father transferred her to a better school. 她父親把她轉到了一所更好的學校。
    • 3. 改變,轉變 Within a few years they had transferred barren wastes into fertile fields. 幾年之內他們就把荒地變成了良田。
    • 4. 轉印,描摹 You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron. 你用熱熨斗一燙就把刺繡圖樣轉印到布上。
    • 5. 轉讓,讓渡 To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir. 為了保持這個農場的完整,他將它移交給一個繼承人。


    • 1. 搬遷,轉移;調任 The company has transferred to the west coast. 公司已遷往西海岸。
    • 2. 換車,轉車 You can take the subway and then transfer to a bus. 你可先乘捷運然後轉乘公車。
    • 3. 轉校,轉學科 June transferred to an American college in 1990. 瓊在1990年轉學到一所美國的大學。


    vi. & vt. 轉移;傳遞