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  1. tumble

    • KK[ˋtʌmb!]
    • DJ[ˋtʌmbl]


    • vi.
    • vt.
    • n.[C]
    • 過去式:tumbled 過去分詞:tumbled 現在分詞:tumbling

    • 名詞複數:tumbles

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 跌倒;滾下;墜落 Tom tumbled over and hit his head on the concrete. 湯姆摔倒,頭撞到水泥地。
    • 2. 被絆倒;被傾覆 He tumbled over the cat. 他被那隻貓絆倒了。
    • 3. 打滾;輾轉;翻觔斗 The sick child tumbled restlessly in his bed. 生病的小孩在床上輾轉反側焦躁不安。
    • 4. (房屋等)倒塌[(+down)] It only needed a push and the whole building would come tumbling down. 只要稍稍一推,那整幢房子就會倒塌下來。
    • 5. (物價等)暴跌 Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates. 謠傳利率上升之後,股票市場價格猛跌。
    • 6. 匆匆忙忙地做;跌跌撞撞地走 He tumbled downstairs. 他跌跌撞撞下了樓梯。
    • 7. 【英】【俚】突然明白[(+to)] It was a long time before she tumbled to what I meant. 她用了很長時間才明白了我的意思。
    • 8. 偶然發現 Quite accidentally, the police tumbled on the answer to the mystery. 警察出乎意外地找到了那疑案的答案。


    • 1. 使跌倒;使滾下;使墜落 He tumbled me over backwards. 他把我向後摔倒。
    • 2. 亂扔;弄亂[O] I could just see her face and her tumbled hair. 我只能看見她的臉和蓬亂的頭髮。 He tumbled his clothes and books into a big sack. 他把他的衣服和書胡亂裝進一只大口袋。
    • 3. 使暴跌;顛覆
    • 4. 使翻滾;用烘乾機烘乾(衣服) You can tumble the clothes dry in a dryer. 你可以用烘乾機將衣服烘乾。


    • 1. 跌跤;墜落 The tumble hurt him badly. 這一跤把他摔得很疼。
    • 2. 倒塌
    • 3. (價格等的)暴跌 Stock prices took a tumble in the afternoon. 股票價格下午猛跌。
    • 4. 倒臺,垮臺
    • 5. 翻滾;翻觔斗 The child is practicing a tumble. 那孩子在練習翻筋斗。
    • 6. 混亂 His desk was a complete tumble of papers and books. 他的書桌上亂糟糟地堆滿了報紙和書籍。


    vi. & vt. 跌倒;拋