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  1. turn down

    • ph.
      (被)向下折轉; (被)翻下;掀開(被單)準備睡覺; 鋪(床)準備睡覺
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    • 1. (被)向下折轉; (被)翻下 turn down the collar 翻下衣領
    • 2. 掀開(被單)準備睡覺; 鋪(床)準備睡覺 The bed was turned down ready for the night. 床已鋪好, 夜間一掀就可使用。
    • 3. 使顛倒; 使(紙牌等)面朝下 He turned down the cards one after the other. 他將紙牌一張一張面朝下放好。
    • 4. 拒絕(某人或其請求、忠告等); 【美】【口】拒絕...的計劃(或請求、忠告、求婚等) He tried to join the army but was turned down (flat) because of poor health. 他想參軍, 但因身體不好被斷然拒絕。 He asked Jane to marry him but she turned him down/turned down his proposal. 他請求簡嫁給他, 但她拒絕了。
    • 5. 關小, 調低 We usually turn down the heat before going to bed. 睡覺前, 我們通常把暖氣調低一些。 Please turn the radio down. It's too loud. 收音機太響了, 請把他調低一些。
    • 6. (金融市場等)低落, 下降 The economy was turning down at that time. 那時經濟正日趨衰落。
    • 7. 拐入, 轉入


    (被)向下折轉; (被)翻下


    「(被)向下折轉; (被)翻下」的反義字

    • ph.
      【商】(指股票、股市等)上揚, 反彈, 升值 Investment is turning up sharply. 投資額急遽增長。
    • ph.
      轉向 As he turned to me I noticed that he had a scar on his face. 當他轉向我時, 我注意到他臉上有個疤。
    • ph.
      離開一條路而走上另一條路 Is this where we turn off/where the road turns off for Hull? 這兒就是我們要轉往赫爾市方向的路嗎? He turned off when he ought to have gone straight on. 他本應一直朝前走, 卻拐了彎。
    • ph.
      依次地, 輪流地
    • ph.
      在場; 露面; 集合; 出席 A vast crowd turned out to watch the match. 大群的觀眾到場觀看比賽。 The whole village turned out to welcome the pope. 全村的人都出來歡迎教皇。
    • ph.
      打開 He sat down at the wheel of his car and turned on the ignition. 他坐在汽車駕駛盤前, 發動了引擎。 Shall I turn on the bath for you? 我給你放浴水好嗎?
    • ph.
      變成 The caterpillar turned into a butterfly. 毛毛蟲變成了花蝴蝶。
    • ph.
      (指船或飛機)在一航程終點卸貨並為下一航程裝貨 These cruise ships can turn round in two days. 這些遊船可用兩天的時間裝卸完畢。
    • ph.
      反對; 對...起不利影響; 轉過來向...移動 The tide turned against them before they reached the shore. 他們抵岸之前, 潮水轉過來向他們衝來。 Those who were once for him turned against him. 那些原來支持他的, 現在倒過來反對他了。
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