1. the state of being uncertain
- unpredictability
- , unreliability
- , riskiness
- , chanciness
- , precariousness
- , unsureness
- , changeability
- , changeableness
- , variability
- , inconstancy
- , fitfulness
- , fickleness
- , lack of certainty
- , indecision
- , irresolution
- , hesitancy
- , doubt
- , doubtfulness
- , wavering
- , vacillation
- , equivocation
- , vagueness
- , ambivalence
- , lack of conviction
- , disquiet
- , disquietude
- , wariness
- , chariness
- , scepticism
- , queries
- , questions
- , dubiety
- , incertitude
- , tentativeness
- , lack of confidence
- , diffidence
2. something that is uncertain or that causes one to feel uncertain
- doubt
- , qualm
- , misgiving
- , apprehension
- , quandary
- , dilemma
- , reservation
- , niggle
- , scruple
- , second thought
- , query
- , question
- , question mark
- , suspicion
「1. the state of being uncertain」的反義字