Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋
- 1. dirty the company was fined for operating in unclean premises 同義詞 dirty, filthy, grubby, grimy, mucky, ... 更多fouled, foul, impure, adulterated, tainted, tarnished, stained, soiled, begrimed, smeared, unwashed, dusty, sooty, muddy, scummy, polluted, contaminated, infected, insanitary, unhygienic, unhealthy, germ-ridden, germy, disease-ridden, septic, informalyucky, cruddy, icky, manky, grotty, gungy, scungy, archaicuncleanly, literarybesmirched, rarefeculent反義詞 clean
- ▪ morally wrong unclean thoughts
- ▪ (of food) regarded in a particular religion as impure and unfit to be eaten pork is an unclean meat for Muslims
- ▪ (in biblical use) ritually impure; (of a spirit) evil. 同義詞 sinful, immoral, bad, wicked, evil, ... 更多corrupt, impure, sullied, unwholesome, sordid, disgusting, debased, degenerate, depraved, licentious, lewd, unchaste, lustful, archaicuncleanly, impure, forbidden反義詞 pure, halal, kosher
dirty: the firm was fined for operating in unclean premises
Oxford Dictionary