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  1. underdrawing

    • IPA[ˈəndərˌdroiNG]


    • n.
      sketched lines made by a painter as a preliminary guide, and subsequently covered with layers of paint
    • noun: underdrawing, plural noun: underdrawings

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    • 1. sketched lines made by a painter as a preliminary guide, and subsequently covered with layers of paint he worked at great speed, with little reliance on cartoons or underdrawings the relationship between the two artists is illuminated by comparison of the use of underdrawing in their early paintings
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    • IPA[ˈʌndədrɔː(r)ɪŋ]


    • n.
      a sketch made by a painter as a preliminary guide and subsequently covered with layers of paint: he worked at great speed, with little reliance on cartoons or underdrawings the relationship between the two artists is illuminated by comparison of the use of underdrawing in their early paintings

    Oxford Dictionary