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  1. underneath

    • IPA[ˌʌndəˈniːθ]


    • prep.
      situated directly below (something else);so as to be concealed by (something else)
    • adv.
      situated directly below something else;so as to be concealed by something else
    • n.
      the part or side of something facing towards the ground; the underside
    • 釋義


    • 1. situated directly below (something else) our bedroom is right underneath theirs four names written underneath each other
    • 2. so as to be concealed by (something else) money changed hands underneath the table underneath his aloof air, Nicky was a warm and open young man
    • partly or wholly concealed by (a garment) she could easily see the broadness of his shoulders underneath a tailored white sports shirt


    • 1. situated directly below something else there was plenty of storage room underneath a crane lifted slabs of concrete to rescue people trapped underneath
    • 2. so as to be concealed by something else paint was peeling off in flakes to reveal greyish plaster underneath she seemed to have no emotions, but in fact she was very sensitive underneath
    • partly or wholly concealed by a garment he was wearing a brown jacket with a white T-shirt underneath


    • 1. the part or side of something facing towards the ground; the underside a wart on the underneath of his foot
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    • IPA[ˌəndərˈnēTH]


    • prep.
      situated directly below (something else): our bedroom is right underneath theirs four names written underneath each other
    • adv.
      situated directly below something else: there was plenty of storage room underneath a crane lifted slabs of concrete to rescue people trapped underneath
    • n.
      the part or side of something facing toward the ground; the underside: a wart on the underneath of his foot

    Oxford American Dictionary