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  1. set up

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    • 1. 擺放或豎起某物 set up a memorial, monument, statue, etc. 豎起紀念物、紀念碑、塑像等 Police set up road-blocks on routes leading out of the city. 警方在通往城外的路上設置了路障。
    • 2. 使(器械、機器等)準備使用 How long will it take to set up the projector? 把這個放映機安放好需要多長時間?
    • 3. 建立或開創某事物 The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse. 政府已成立工作組調查濫用毒品問題。 A fund will be set up for the dead men's families. 撫恤死難工人家屬的基金會即將建立起來。
    • 4. 創(體育)記錄 She set up a new world record time in the 100 metres. 她創下了新的百米世界記錄。
    • 5. 造成或產生某事物 The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world. 華爾街金融滑坡引起世界股票市場的連鎖反應。
    • 6. 開始發出(很大的噪聲) set up a commotion, din, row, etc. 發出騷亂聲、嘈雜聲、爭吵聲等 The cats set up a frightful yowling when the dog appeared. 貓看到那條狗就都大聲叫起來。



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      (指植物)長出地面 The snowdrops are just beginning to come up. 雪花蓮剛剛開始長出地面。 We watched the sun come up. 我們觀看日出。
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      包裹, 包好, 裹住 Mother wraps up the children's presents on Christmas Eve. 聖誕節前夕母親把送給孩子的禮物包了起來。
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      開啟, 顯露, 首次顯現出來 The story of Helen Keller's life opened up a whole new world to Maria. 海倫凱勒的故事給瑪麗亞開啟一個新世界。
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      【口】修理好, 修補
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      【主美】洗臉洗手 The children went to wash up after eating lunch. 孩子們吃完午餐後去洗手洗臉。
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      用汽車搭載某人或接某人 I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock. 7點鐘我開車來接你。 He picked up a hitch-hiker. 他中途讓個搭便車的人上了車。
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      【商】(指股票、股市等)上揚, 反彈, 升值 Investment is turning up sharply. 投資額急遽增長。
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      打碎, 拆開; 結束, (婚姻或男女朋友)關係中止; 開始放假 I broke up the candy and give each child a small piece. 我將糖果弄碎, 給每一個小孩一小塊。 The meeting broke up at one. 會議在一點鐘時結束。
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      搶劫 Masked men held up the bank. 蒙面人搶劫了這家銀行。
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