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  1. shake up

    • ph.
      搖動使均勻;使振作, 激勵
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    • 1. 搖動使均勻 Let me shake up a cocktail for you while you are waiting. 你等的時候我為你搖勻雞尾酒。 As soon as the visitor was announced, mother bustled around, shook up the cushion and tidied up the newspapers. 一聽說客人到了, 母親就到處忙碌, 抖鬆座墊, 弄整齊報紙。
    • 2. 使振作, 激勵 Shake yourself up, young man. 振作起來, 小伙子。
    • 3. 重新改組 The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事長將重新改組公司。





    • ph.
      縫攏, 縫接 I've cut the dress, but I haven't sewn it up yet. 我裁剪了一件衣服, 但我還沒把她縫好。
    • ph.
      使纏結 The machine snarled the material up. 機器把材料攪在一起了
    • ph.
      讓出 He gave up his seat to an old man. 他讓座給一位老人。
    • ph.
      形成看法; 總結 I summed her up as a competent manager. 我認為她是個很能幹的經理。 He summed up the situation at a glance. 他一眼就看清了當時的情形。
    • ph.
      關閉(房屋) We got the house shut up only minutes before the storm hit. 在暴風雨來臨之前幾分鐘, 我們才把屋子的門窗關閉起來。 Shut up all your money in the safe. 把你所存的錢都收藏到保險箱裡。
    • ph.
      匆匆製成 The reporter whipped up a story about the fire for his paper. 這個記者很快地為那家報社寫了一篇有關火災的報道。
    • ph.
      (使)折起; (因痛苦、大笑)(使)彎起身子 The boxer folded up in agony. 那拳擊手痛苦地倒下了。 The comedian had the audience folding up. 那個喜劇演員逗得觀眾笑得前仰後合。
    • ph.
      提高; 升起 They ran up their national flag. 他們升起他們的國旗。 Seeing a ship on the horizon, we ran up a flag of distress. 看到地平線上出現了一隻船, 我們連忙升起遇險信號旗。
    • ph.
      (用吸水的布、拖把等)擦去(潑灑的或不想要的液體) She mopped up the pools of water on the bathroom floor. 她擦去浴室地面上一灘灘的水。 mop up one's gravy with a piece of bread 用麵包吸乾肉汁
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