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  1. dig up

    • ph.
      挖掘(泥土等); 墾地;從地裡挖出(某物)
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    • 1. 挖掘(泥土等); 墾地 dig up land for a new garden 為建一座新花園而墾地
    • 2. 從地裡挖出(某物) We dug up the tree by its roots. 我們將樹連根挖起。
    • 3. 從地裡挖掘出(掩埋或藏起的東西); 掘到 An old Greek statue was dug up here last month. 上個月在這兒挖出了一尊古希臘雕像。
    • 4. 【喻】搜集(情報等); 透露(某事) Newspapers love to dig up scandal. 報紙就是愛把醜事兒揭出來。
    • ph.
      (指河流、井等)乾涸 The streams dried up in summer. 溪流在夏天乾涸。
    • ph.
      裝滿, 填滿 The channel of the river filled up with mud. 河道被淤泥塞滿。 The gutter has filled up with mud. 溝槽裡都是泥。
    • ph.
      打掃; 整理 She is cleaning up the kitchen now. 她現在正在打掃廚房。 You should always clean up after a picnic. 野餐後, 你必須打掃乾淨。
    • ph.
      用螺絲釘將某物擰緊 screw up a crate 用螺絲釘把板條箱擰緊
    • ph.
      嘔吐 He took the medicine but threw it up a minute later. 他服了藥了, 但一分鐘後就吐了出來。
    • ph.
      上弦; 結束; 環繞; 吊起來 My watch has stopped, I must have forgotten to wind it up. 我的錶停了, 一定是我忘了上發條。 The speaker will soon wind up his speech. 演說者就要結束他的講話了。
    • ph.
      阻塞 The road is now choked up with vehicles. 那條道路已被車輛阻塞。
    • ph.
      爆炸, 炸毀 The barrel of gunpowder blew up with a loud noise. 火藥桶轟然一響而爆炸。 The soliers blew up the bridge with dynamite. 士兵用炸藥炸毀了這座橋。
    • ph.
      (使)筋疲力盡 The long journey knocked them up. 長途旅行把他們累壞了。
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