Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. fall upon

    • ph.
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    • 1. 猛烈攻擊某人/物 Bandits fell upon the village and robbed many inhabitants. 土匪襲擊了那座村莊, 搶劫了許多村民的財物。 The children fell upon the food and ate it greedily. 孩子們爭先恐後地搶到食物, 狼作虎咽地吃起來。
    • 2. 由某人承擔(或負擔) The full cost of the wedding fell upon me. 婚禮的全部費用都由我負擔。
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      採用欺騙手段出售(假貨、次品等) The shopkeeper foisted costly and inferior goods upon his customers. 店主採用欺騙手段把質次價高的商品賣給顧客。
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      接近 She is close on forty. 她已年將四十。
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      從一堆中無意瞥見, 挑出, 碰巧看到注意到, 視線恰巧落在 Her eyes lighted upon the row of boxes, and asked what was in them. 她的眼無意中瞥見一排盒子, 即問到裡面裝的是什麼。 His eyes lighted upon a rare book in the second hand bookseller's. 在舊書店中, 他的視線碰巧落在一本珍本書上。
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      依靠; 指望 You can count on him to help. 你可以指望他幫忙。
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      把...強加於 The mistake was fathered upon him. 這錯誤是強加於他的。
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      起作用, 影響到, 按照…行動 We should have some principle to act upon. 我們必須有些原則, 以便遵循行事。
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      引發; 鼓起(勇氣) She must call upon her courage to accept her child's death. 她必須鼓起勇氣接受她的孩子的死亡。
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      指望 We calculate upon their cooperation. 我們指望著他們的合作。
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      堅持 They insisted upon my staying there for supper. 他們一定要留我在那兒吃晚飯。
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