- 釋義
- 1. 翻倒;傾覆[C][U] The upset of the boat caused three deaths. 翻船造成三人死亡。
- 2. 混亂,攪亂[C] The fire caused an upset in the building. 失火使大樓裡一片混亂。
- 3. 意外的擊敗[C] Our team suffered an upset. 我們的球隊遭到意外的失敗。
- 4. 心煩意亂[C] The news gave her quite an upset. 這消息使她大為心煩意亂。
- 5. (腸胃的)不舒服[U] I had a stomach upset last night. 我昨天夜裡腸胃不適。
- 6. 【口】吵架[C]