- IPA[ˈvɛri]
- in a high degree;used to emphasize that the following description applies without qualification
- actual; precise (used to emphasize the exact identity of someone or something);real; genuine
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- 1. in a high degree a very large amount the river rose very quickly
- ▪ used to emphasize that the following description applies without qualification the very best quality the very first time
- 1. actual; precise (used to emphasize the exact identity of someone or something) those were his very words he might be phoning her at this very moment 同義詞
- ▪ archaic real; genuine the very God of Heaven
- 2. emphasizing an extreme point in time or space from the very beginning of the book at the very back of the skull
- 3. with no addition of anything else; mere the very thought of drink made him feel sick 同義詞
- in a low degree
Oxford Dictionary
- in a low degree
Oxford American Dictionary
- used sarcastically or ironically to indicate that the speaker does not share another's amusement
Oxford Dictionary
- a title given to a dean in the Anglican Church: the Very Reverend James Wilkins
Oxford Dictionary
- a flare fired into the air from a pistol for signalling or for temporary illumination.
Oxford Dictionary
- used to express agreement or consent
Oxford Dictionary
- a flare fired into the air from a pistol for signaling or for temporary illumination.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a handheld gun used for firing a Very light.
Oxford Dictionary
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈverē]
- in a high degree: very much so very large
- actual; precise (used to emphasize the exact identity of a particular person or thing): those were his very words he might be phoning her at this very moment
Oxford American Dictionary