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  1. vivisection

    • IPA[ˌvɪvɪˈsɛkʃn]


    • n.
      the practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or scientific research (used only by opponents of such work);ruthlessly sharp and detailed criticism or analysis
    • noun: vivisection, plural noun: vivisections

    • 釋義


    • 1. the practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or scientific research (used only by opponents of such work) the abolition of vivisection
    • ruthlessly sharp and detailed criticism or analysis the vivisection of America's seamy underbelly
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˌvivəˈsekSHən]


    • n.
      the practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or ... the abolition of vivisection

    Oxford American Dictionary