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  1. warm

    • IPA[wɔːm]



    • adj.
      溫暖的;保暖的; 暖和的
    • vt.
      使…暖和; 加熱;使…感到溫暖
    • vi.
    • n.
      加熱; 取暖; 暖一下
    • 過去式:warmed 過去分詞:warmed 現在分詞:warming

    • 比較級:warmer 最高級:warmest

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 溫暖的 warm weather/climate 溫暖的天氣/氣候 a warm bath 熱水澡
    • 2. 保暖的; 暖和的 it's warm work 這工作幹起來渾身發熱
    • 3. 熱情的 to give sb. a warm welcome 熱烈歡迎某人 warmest regards 最熱忱的問候
    • 4. 衷心的
    • 5. 暖色調的 warm colours 暖色
    • 6. 暖人心扉的 warm tones 溫暖的音色
    • 7. 新鮮的 fortunately, the scent was still warm 幸運的是氣味還很濃 the police are trying to find new evidence while the trail is still warm 警方趁線索未斷試圖找到新的證據
    • 8. 快要找到的; 即將猜中的 you're very warm now! 你快要找到了!


    • 1. 使…暖和; 加熱 she was warming her hands by the fire 她正在爐邊暖手 I took a nip of brandy to warm me 我呷了一口白蘭地來暖暖身子
    • 2. 使…感到溫暖


    • 1. 變暖和 she put the milk to warm on the stove for a minute 她把牛奶放到爐子上熱了一分鐘
    • 2. 變得快活


    • 1. 加熱; 取暖; 暖一下 to give sth. a warm 熱一下


    1. of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature

    2. (of clothes or coverings) made of a material that helps the body to retain heat

    3. having or showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness

    4. (especially in children's games) close to discovering something or guessing the correct answer


    「1. of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature」的反義字

    「2. (of clothes or coverings) made of a material that helps the body to retain heat」的反義字

    「3. having or showing enthusiasm, affection, or kindness」的反義字

    「4. (especially in children's games) close to discovering something or guessing the correct answer」的反義字