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  1. waste

    • IPA[weɪst]



    • vt.
    • vi.
    • n.
    • adj.
    • 過去式:wasted 過去分詞:wasted 現在分詞:wasting

    • 名詞複數:wastes

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 浪費 her irony was wasted on him 她的嘲諷對他沒起作用 she wasted no time in rejecting the offer 她當即拒絕了那個提議
    • 2. 荒廢
    • 3. 使…衰弱
    • 4. 幹掉
    • 5. 把…打得落花流水


    • 1. 被浪費 waste not, want not 勤儉節約,吃穿不缺


    • 1. 浪費 to go to waste 被浪費掉 it was a real waste to spend so much on the shirt 在那件襯衫上花那麼多錢真是浪費
    • 2. 白費 a waste of time/energy 白費時間/力氣 a waste of space 飯桶
    • 3. 廢物 household waste 生活垃圾 radioactive waste 放射性廢物
    • 4. 排洩物
    • 5. 荒野 icy/snowy wastes 冰原/雪原


    • 1. 廢棄的 waste water/gases/plastics 污水/廢氣/廢塑料 waste materials or matter 廢物
    • 2. 未開墾的 to lay sth. waste or lay waste (to) sth. 把某處夷為平地


    1. use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose

    2. (of a person or a part of the body) become progressively weaker and more emaciated

    3. kill or severely injure (someone)

    4. (of a material, substance, or by-product) eliminated or discarded as no longer useful or required after the completion of a process

    5. (of an area of land, typically an urban one) not used, cultivated, or built on

    6. an act or instance of using or expending something carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose

    7. unwanted or unusable material, substances, or by-products

    8. a large area of barren, typically uninhabited land


    「1. use or expend carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose」的反義字

    「2. (of a person or a part of the body) become progressively weaker and more emaciated」的反義字

    「3. (of a material, substance, or by-product) eliminated or discarded as no longer useful or required after the completion of a process」的反義字

    「4. (of an area of land, typically an urban one) not used, cultivated, or built on」的反義字
