- IPA[ˌwā ˈout]
- regarded as extremely unconventional, unusual, or avant-garde
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- 相關詞
- 1. informal regarded as extremely unconventional, unusual, or avant-garde teachers were accused of espousing way-out ideologies and teaching methods
- (of a place) remote or secluded
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a place) remote or secluded
Oxford American Dictionary
- in the process of leaving
Oxford American Dictionary
- in the process of leaving
Oxford Dictionary
- not on one's intended route
Oxford American Dictionary
- in a safe place
Oxford Dictionary
- extricate oneself from a difficult situation by choosing the simplest or most expedient course ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- extricate oneself from a difficult situation by choosing the simplest rather than the most ...
Oxford Dictionary
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- IPA[weɪˈaʊt]
- extremely unconventional, unusual, or avant-garde: teachers were accused of espousing way-out ideologies and teaching methods
Oxford Dictionary