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  1. wheel

    • IPA[(h)wēl]


    • n.
      a circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it to move easily over the ground;a circular object that revolves on an axle and forms part of a machine.
    • v.
      push or pull (a vehicle with wheels);carry (someone or something) in or on a vehicle with wheels
    • verb: wheel, 3rd person present: wheels, gerund or present participle: wheeling, past tense: wheeled, past participle: wheeled

    • noun: wheel, plural noun: wheels

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    • 1. a circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it to move easily over the ground a chair on wheels 同義詞 disk, hoop, ring, circle
    • a circular object that revolves on an axle and forms part of a machine.
    • used in reference to the cycle of a specified condition or set of events the final release from the wheel of life
    • historical a large wheel used as an instrument of punishment or torture, especially by binding someone to it and breaking their limbs a man sentenced to be broken on the wheel
    • 2. a machine or structure having a wheel as its essential part.
    • a steering wheel (used in reference to driving or steering a vehicle or vessel) his crew knows when he wants to take the wheel
    • a vessel's propeller or paddle-wheel.
    • a device with a revolving disk or drum used in various games of chance.
    • a system, or a part of a system, regarded as a relentlessly moving machine the wheels of justice
    • 3. informal a car she's got wheels now
    • a bicycle.
    • 4. a thing resembling a wheel in form or function, in particular a cheese made in the form of a disk a small wheel of Brie
    • 5. an instance of wheeling; a turn or rotation. 同義詞 turn, rotation, pivot, swivel, gyration


    • 1. push or pull (a vehicle with wheels) the sled was wheeled out to the flight deck 同義詞 push, trundle, roll
    • carry (someone or something) in or on a vehicle with wheels a young woman is wheeled into the operating room
    • 2. (of a bird or aircraft) fly in a wide circle or curve the birds wheeled and dived 同義詞 turn, turn around, go around, rotate, revolve, ... 更多
    • turn around quickly so as to face another way Robert wheeled around to see the face of Mr. Mafouz
    • turn or seem to turn on an axis or pivot the stars wheeled through the sky
    • adj.
      (of a vehicle or other object) having wheels to enable it to move over the ground: orders are stacked on to wheeled carts an 18-wheeled truck

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      (of a vehicle or other object) having wheels to enable it to move over the ground: orders are stacked onto wheeled carts an 18-wheeled truck

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a superfluous person or thing: I was the fifth wheel to two sets of coupled-up friends Kayla is a fifth wheel in a group of four high-schoolers meeting at the mall food court

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a superfluous person or thing: I was the fifth wheel to two sets of coupled-up friends Kayla is a fifth wheel in a group of four high-schoolers meeting at the mall food court

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a tool for screwing and unscrewing nuts on the wheel of a vehicle.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a horse harnessed nearest the wheels of a vehicle.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a Ferris wheel.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a Ferris wheel.

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[wiːl]


    • n.
      a circular object that revolves on an axle and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to ... a chair on wheels
    • v.
      push or pull (a vehicle with wheels): Luke was wheeling a barrow the tea trolley was wheeled out

    Oxford Dictionary