Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. whoever

    • IPA[huːˈɛvə]


    • rela
      the person or people who; any person who;regardless of who
    • inte
      used for emphasis instead of ‘who’ in questions, typically expressing surprise or confusion
    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. the person or people who; any person who whoever wins should be guaranteed an Olympic place
    • regardless of who come out, whoever you are


    • 1. used for emphasis instead of ‘who’ in questions, typically expressing surprise or confusion whoever would want to make up something like that?
    • pron.
      used instead of “whoever” as the object of a verb or preposition: I'll sing whatever I like to whomever I like

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • pron.
      used instead of ‘whoever’ as the object of a verb or preposition: I'll sing whatever I like to whomever I like

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ho͞oˈevər]


    • rela
      the person or people who; any person who: whoever did it hated him
    • pron.
      used for emphasis instead of “who” in questions, typically expressing surprise or confusion: whoever would want to make up something like that?

    Oxford American Dictionary