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  1. wild

    • IPA[waɪld]



    • adj.
    • adv.
      瘋狂地; 撒起歡兒來
    • 比較級:wilder 最高級:wildest

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 野生的 wild horses/flowers 野馬/野花 a wild beast 野獸
    • 2. 未開化的 the wild tribes of the Amazon Basin 亞馬孫盆地的原始部落 wild and woolly 粗野的
    • 3. 荒涼的
    • 4. 暴風雨的; 狂暴的
    • 5. 放蕩的; 胡亂的 wild disorder 極度混亂 he led a wild life in his youth 他年輕時生活放蕩
    • 6. 無節制的 wild laughter 縱聲大笑 wild anger/enthusiasm/delight 狂怒/狂熱/狂喜
    • 7. 狂怒的 to make or drive sb. wild 使某人發狂 to go wild 大發雷霆
    • 8. 輕率的; 無根據的 wild rumours 捕風捉影的謠言 a wild guess 瞎猜
    • 9. 極棒的; 令人激動的 we had a wild time in New York 我們在紐約玩得開心極了
    • 10. 百搭的


    • 1. 瘋狂地; 撒起歡兒來 to run wild 變得荒蕪 to let one's imagination run wild 讓想像力自由馳騁


    1. (of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated

    2. (of a place or region) uninhabited, uncultivated, or inhospitable

    3. (of sea or the weather) rough and stormy

    4. (of people) not civilized; primitive

    5. lacking discipline or restraint

    6. very enthusiastic or excited

    7. very angry

    8. not based on sound reasoning or probability


    「1. (of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated」的反義字

    「2. (of sea or the weather) rough and stormy」的反義字

    「3. (of people) not civilized; primitive」的反義字

    「4. lacking discipline or restraint」的反義字

    「5. very enthusiastic or excited」的反義字

    「6. very angry」的反義字

    「7. not based on sound reasoning or probability」的反義字