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  1. wrapped up in

    • ph.
      被包裹於; 隱藏於; 對...有極大興趣; 專心於
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    • 1. 被包裹於; 隱藏於; 對...有極大興趣; 專心於 The affair is wrapped up in mystery. 這件事籠罩在神秘的氣氛中。 She is so wrapped up in her children that she has no time for or interest in other things. 她是如此地全神貫注在孩子們的身上, 以致於其他的事情都沒有時間或興趣。


    被包裹於; 隱藏於; 對...有極大興趣; 專心於

    • ph.
      注意力完全集中於某人/某事物; 與某人/某事物難解難分 They are completely wrapped up in their children. 他們把全部精力都用在孩子身上了。 She was so wrapped up in her work that she didn't realize how late it was. 她只顧埋頭工作, 沒意識到天已經很晚了。
    • ph.


    • ph.
      (用晦澀的或多餘的詞語)使(說的話)費解 Why does he have to wrap it all up in such complicated language? 他為什麼非得用這麼艱深的語言說話呢?
    • ph.
      【口】過分保護某人 She keeps all her children wrapped up in cotton wool. 她把子女照顧得未免過頭了。
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    • ph.
      醉心於……的 She's so wrapped up in him that she can't see his faults. 她完全迷上了他,連他的缺點也看不見了。


    • ph.
      醉心於……的 She's so wrapped up in him that she can't see his faults. 她完全迷上了他,連他的缺點也看不見了。