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  1. wrap up

    • ph.
      包裹, 包好, 裹住;穿得暖和
    • 釋義
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    • 1. 包裹, 包好, 裹住 Mother wraps up the children's presents on Christmas Eve. 聖誕節前夕母親把送給孩子的禮物包了起來。
    • 2. 穿得暖和 You'd better wrap up well before going out. 你最好穿暖和些再出去。
    • 3. 掩飾, 隱藏 Why does he wrap up his meaning in such obscure language? 他為什麼用這樣隱晦的語言來掩飾他的觀點呢?
    • 4. 【美】【口】完成, 結束 The salesman had already wrapped up a couple of deals by lunch-time. 那個售貨員在午飯前已經做完了幾筆生意。 They wrapped up a couple of deals before lunch. 他們在午飯前完成了幾筆交易。
    • 5. 【口】贏得比賽 The Mets wrapped up the baseball game in the seventh inning. 梅茨隊在棒球賽第七局中獲勝。
    • 6. 【美】【口】總結, 概括
    • ph.
    • ph.
    • n.
    • ph.
      【俚】(通常用於祈使句)安靜; 住嘴
    • ph.
      被包裹於; 隱藏於; 對...有極大興趣; 專心於 The affair is wrapped up in mystery. 這件事籠罩在神秘的氣氛中。 She is so wrapped up in her children that she has no time for or interest in other things. 她是如此地全神貫注在孩子們的身上, 以致於其他的事情都沒有時間或興趣。
    • ph.
      醉心於……的 She's so wrapped up in him that she can't see his faults. 她完全迷上了他,連他的缺點也看不見了。
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    • ph.
      穿暖和的衣服 In cold weather you should wrap up well. 天氣寒冷時,你應該穿得暖和些。


    • ph.
      穿暖和的衣服 In cold weather you should wrap up well. 天氣寒冷時,你應該穿得暖和些。
    • vt.
      把…包起來 wrap the children up warm(ly) 給孩子們穿得暖和點
    • vi.
      穿得暖和 wrap up well or warm(ly)! 穿得暖和點兒!