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  1. write out

    • ph.
      (正式)寫, 寫出, 全部寫出;寫得使(自己)智窮才盡
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    • 1. (正式)寫, 寫出, 全部寫出 He wrote out the agreement after its terms had been agreed upon. 協議條款經雙方同意後, 他把協議的全文寫了出來。
    • 2. 寫得使(自己)智窮才盡 The author seems to have written himself out. 這位作家似乎已經江郎才盡, 再也寫不出什麼東西來了。
    • 3. (從系列廣播劇或電視劇中)除掉(某角色) After playing the part for over 20 years, she was eventually written out (of the series). 她扮演了20多年的一個角色, 最後(從連續劇中)去掉了。


    (正式)寫, 寫出, 全部寫出

    • ph.
      將...插寫進去; 把...加入 The teacher wrote in corrections between the sentences on the paper. 教師在試卷的字裡行間作批改。
    • ph.
      詳細描寫 The journalist wrote up the affair for his paper. 記者為他的報紙詳細報導了這件事。
    • ph.
      寫信給... He promised to write to me after he arrived in New York. 他答應他到紐約後給我寫信。
    • ph.
      把...當作寫作題材 write of one's adventure in the war 在書中寫下自己在戰爭中的遭遇
    • ph.
      勾銷,取消 We'll just have to write off the arrangement if we can't find the money for it. 這項計畫如果籌不到錢就只得取消。
    • ph.
      寫文章讚揚 A friendly critic wrote up the acting of the leading players. 一位友善的評論家寫文章稱讚主要演員們的表演。
    • ph.
      把……寫下 Write your idea down while it's clear in your mind. 趁著還清楚的時候把你的靈感寫下來。
    • ph.
      回信 I received a letter from our daughter yesterday. I'll write back and tell her that we've decided to stay home for the Chinese New Year. 昨天我收到我們女兒的信。我會寫回信告訴她我們決定過年要待在家裡。
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    • ph.
      寫出 The doctor wrote out a prescription. 醫生開了張藥方。