Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. write out

    • ph.
      (正式)寫, 寫出, 全部寫出;寫得使(自己)智窮才盡
    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. (正式)寫, 寫出, 全部寫出 He wrote out the agreement after its terms had been agreed upon. 協議條款經雙方同意後, 他把協議的全文寫了出來。
    • 2. 寫得使(自己)智窮才盡 The author seems to have written himself out. 這位作家似乎已經江郎才盡, 再也寫不出什麼東西來了。
    • 3. (從系列廣播劇或電視劇中)除掉(某角色) After playing the part for over 20 years, she was eventually written out (of the series). 她扮演了20多年的一個角色, 最後(從連續劇中)去掉了。


    (正式)寫, 寫出, 全部寫出