- IPA[ˈrʌɪtɪŋ]
- the activity or skill of writing;a sequence of letters, words, or symbols marked on a surface
noun: writing, plural noun: writings
- 釋義
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- 片語
- 1. the activity or skill of writing parents want schools to concentrate on reading, writing, and arithmetic
- ▪ a sequence of letters, words, or symbols marked on a surface a leather product with gold writing on it he asked them to put their complaints in writing
- ▪ handwriting his writing looked crabbed 同義詞
- 2. the activity or occupation of composing text for publication she made a decent living from writing
- ▪ written work, especially with regard to its style or quality the writing is straightforward and accessible
- ▪ books, stories, or other written works the writings of Gertrude Stein 同義詞
- ▪ the Hagiographa.
- reversed writing resembling ordinary writing reflected in a mirror.
Oxford Dictionary
- paper of good quality used for writing, especially letter-writing.
Oxford American Dictionary
- writing, typically fiction or poetry, which displays imagination or invention (often contrasted ... universities are employing some of Britain's best-known authors to teach creative writing
Oxford Dictionary
- a portable case for holding writing materials and paper.
Oxford Dictionary
- paper of good quality used for writing, especially letter-writing.
Oxford Dictionary
- a genre of writing in which the author describes places they have visited and their experiences ... his books about the Greek islands are some of the best travel writing of the twentieth century
Oxford American Dictionary
- in written form, especially as proof of an agreement or grievance
Oxford American Dictionary
- a piece of furniture with a surface for writing on and with drawers and other compartments for ...
Oxford American Dictionary
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- IPA[ˈrīdiNG]
- the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper and composing text: parents want schools to concentrate on reading, writing, and arithmetic
Oxford American Dictionary