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  1. yonder

    • IPA[ˈyändər]


    • adv.
      at some distance in the direction indicated; over there
    • dete
      that or those (used to refer to something situated at a distance)
    • n.
      the far distance
    • noun: yonder

    • 釋義


    • 1. archaic, dialect at some distance in the direction indicated; over there there's a ford south of here, about nine miles yonder


    • 1. archaic, dialect that or those (used to refer to something situated at a distance) what light through yonder window breaks?


    • 1. the far distance attempting to fly off into the wild blue yonder
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈjɒndə]


    • adv.
      at some distance in the direction indicated; over there: there's a ford south of here, about nine miles yonder
    • dete
      that or those (used to refer to something situated at a distance): what light through yonder window breaks?
    • n.
      the far distance: attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder

    Oxford Dictionary