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  1. Fr.

    • abbr
      Father (as a courtesy title of priests);France.
    • symbol
      the chemical element francium.
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    • 1. Father (as a courtesy title of priests) Fr. Buckley
    • 2. France.
    • 3. French.
    • 4. Friday.


    • 1. the chemical element francium.
    • abbr
      Father (as a courtesy title of priests): Fr Buckley
    • symbol
      the chemical element francium.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a man in relation to his child or children: Margaret's father died at an early age they assumed that I was the father of the child
    • v.
      (of a man) cause a pregnancy resulting in the birth of (a child): he fathered three children

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a man in relation to his child or children: Margaret's father died at an early age they assumed that I was the father of the child
    • v.
      (of a man) cause a pregnancy resulting in the birth of (a child): he fathered three children

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      used as a title for God.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a person who starts or helps to start a movement or institution: he was one of the founding fathers of criminology

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a priest who hears confessions and gives absolution and spiritual counsel: the Father Confessor of the convent

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a person who starts or helps to start a movement or institution: he was one of the founding fathers of criminology

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • abbr

    Oxford Dictionary

    • abbr

    Oxford American Dictionary