Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋
- 1. 鼓掌歡迎,喝采 His every sentence was followed by a burst of applause. 他的每一句話都贏得一陣掌聲。
- 2. 稱讚,嘉許 The tax reform was met with unanimous applause. 稅制改革得到眾口一詞的稱讚。
n. 掌聲,歡呼
- cheering
- , salvo
- , huzzas
- , hurrah
- , bravos
- , ovation
- , standing ovation
- , encores
- , plaudits
- , eclat
- , clapping
- , cheers
- , whistles
n. 表揚,稱讚
- acclaim
- , acclamation
- , praise
- , laudation
- , kudos
- , accolade
- , approbation
- , commendation
- , celebration
- , eulogy
- , eulogium
- , eulogization
- , exaltation
- , glorification
- , encomium
- , panegyric
- , tribute
- , approval