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  1. act up

    • ph.
      【口】出毛病, 犯病;調皮, 任性
    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 【口】出毛病, 犯病 My sprained ankle has been acting up badly all week. 我的腳扭傷了, 整整難受了一個星期。 The car's engine began to act up. 汽車的發動機開始出毛病了。
    • 2. 調皮, 任性 The boy is fond of acting up with him. 這男孩喜歡和他一同搗蛋。
    • ph.
      遵循, 履行 You must act up to your promise. 你必須實踐自己的諾言。
    • ph.
      遵循;履行 You must act up to your promise. 你必須實踐自己的諾言。
    • ph.
      改變生活方式;改頭換面,重新做人 He had better clean up his act, or he will be out of a job. 他最好發奮圖強,否則會失去工作。 Whatever he once was like he has cleaned up his act. 他已徹底改頭換面。
    • ph.
      改變生活方式;改頭換面,重新做人 He had better clean up his act, or he will be out of a job. 他最好發奮圖強,否則會失去工作。 Whatever he once was like he has cleaned up his act. 他已徹底改頭換面。
    • 更多解釋


    • ph.
      調皮;任性 The boy is fond of acting up with him. 這男孩喜歡和他一同搗蛋。


    • ph.
      調皮;任性 The boy is fond of acting up with him. 這男孩喜歡和他一同搗蛋。
    • vi.
      搗蛋; 出毛病 my rheumatic joints are acting up in this cold! 天太冷,我的風濕性關節炎又犯了!