- IPA[bleɪd]
- the flat cutting edge of a knife, saw, or other tool or weapon;a sword.
- skate using Rollerblades
noun: blade, plural noun: blades
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. the flat cutting edge of a knife, saw, or other tool or weapon cut cleanly using a sharp blade
- ▪ literary a sword.
- ▪ Australian, New Zealand hand shears used in sheep shearing.
- ▪ a long, narrow flake.
- 2. the flat, wide section of an implement or device such as an oar or a propeller.
- ▪ a thin, flat metal runner on an ice skate.
- ▪ a prosthetic lower limb designed for athletes, consisting of a flattened length of carbon fibre with a long, curved section at the base Lydia is being taught to run on blades the Paralympics brought prosthetics such as running blades into the limelight.
- 3. a shoulder bone in a joint of meat, or the joint itself.
- ▪ the flat part of the tongue behind the tip.
- 4. a long, narrow leaf of grass or another similar plant a blade of grass
- ▪ the broad, thin part of a leaf apart from the stalk.
- 5. informal, dated a dashing or energetic young man the director, a young blade in an oversized suit
- 1. US informal skate using Rollerblades she loves to run, bike, blade, and explore the city blading with the wind in your face…that's really nice
- a sheep shearer who uses hand shears, rather than a shearing machine: we were able to hire experienced blade shearers
Oxford Dictionary
- the practice of shearing sheep using hand shears, rather than a shearing machine: blade shearing was demonstrated by the Australian champion
Oxford Dictionary
- a blade used in a razor, typically a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge or edges used in a ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a blade used in a razor, typically a flat piece of metal with a sharp edge or edges used in a ...
Oxford Dictionary
- shear a sheep using hand shears, rather than a shearing machine: the show sheep were to be blade-shorn in the middle of August his teenage son was blade-shearing on the back of a wagon
Oxford Dictionary
- either of the large, flat triangular bones which lie against the ribs in the upper back and ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- either of the large, flat triangular bones which lie against the ribs in the upper back and ...
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[blād]
- the flat cutting edge of a knife, saw, or other tool or weapon: cut cleanly using a sharp blade
- skate using in-line skates: we bladed into the parking lot behind Mensky's
Oxford American Dictionary