- KK[ˋbraɪtnɪs]
- DJ[ˋbraitnis]
- 明亮,光輝;鮮豔;亮度
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 明亮,光輝;鮮豔 The brightness of the sun cheered him up. 太陽的光輝使他心情好了起來。
- 2. 亮度 The moon bathed the landscape in her pale cold rays at a different phase and with varied brightness. 在不同的時候,月亮以不同的亮度將她慘淡的冷光沐浴在地貌上。
- 3. 活潑,愉快 Katie's face was full of the soft brightness which indicated a peaceful heart. 凱蒂的臉充滿了柔和與愉快的表情,顯示她內心平靜。
- 4. 聰穎,伶俐 Their little son's brightness charmed all the guests. 他們小兒子的聰穎使客人們很開心。
- 亮度/對比度
- 亮度調整鈕 You could see nothing on the screen? Maybe you should turn up the brightness control knob a little. 你在螢幕上看不到東西?也許你應該把亮度調整鈕調高一些。
- 亮度調整鈕 You could see nothing on the screen? Maybe you should turn up the brightness control knob a little. 你在螢幕上看不到東西?也許你應該把亮度調整鈕調高一些。
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