- IPA[dəˈrekSHən]
- a course along which someone or something moves;the course which must be taken in order to reach a destination
noun: direction, plural noun: directions
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. a course along which someone or something moves she set off in the opposite direction the storm was expected to take a more northwesterly direction 同義詞
- ▪ the course which must be taken in order to reach a destination he had a terrible sense of direction 同義詞
- ▪ a point to or from which a person or thing moves or faces a house with views in all directions support came from an unexpected direction
- ▪ a general way in which someone or something is developing new directions in painting and architecture any dialogue between them is a step in the right direction 同義詞
- ▪ general aim or purpose the campaign's lack of direction
- 2. the management or guidance of someone or something under his direction, the college has developed an international reputation 同義詞
- ▪ the work of supervising and controlling the actors and other staff in a movie, play, or other production.
- ▪ instructions on how to reach a destination or about how to do something Preston gave him directions to a restaurant directions for making puff pastry 同義詞
- ▪ an authoritative order or command to suggest that members of Congress would take direction on how to vote is an affront
- a special radio receiver with a system of antennas for locating the source of radio signals, ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a system of aerials for locating the source of radio signals, used as an aid to navigation.
Oxford Dictionary
- the work of an art director in overseeing the artistic aspects of a film, publication, or other ... the art direction and cinematography are lovely
Oxford American Dictionary
- the work of an art director in overseeing the artistic aspects of a film, publication, or other ... the art direction and cinematography are lovely
Oxford Dictionary
- an instruction in the text of a play indicating the movement, position, or tone of an actor, or ...
Oxford Dictionary
- an instruction in the text of a play, especially one indicating the movement, position, or tone ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- a person's ability to know without explicit guidance the direction in which they are or ...
Oxford Dictionary
- a person's ability to know without explicit guidance the direction in which they are or ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[dɪˈrɛkʃn]
- a course along which someone or something moves: she set off in the opposite direction he had a terrible sense of direction
Oxford Dictionary