Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋
搜尋結果 ph.
片語 1. 清理或重新裝飾某物的表面 The paintwork is beginning to flake; it'll need doing over/to be done over soon. 油漆已成片脫落, 需要趕快重新上漆。
PyDict ph.
【口】努力; 竭力 Although we leaned over backwards to please her, our new manager was still very critical of our work. 儘管我們竭力討好新經理, 但她仍然對我們的工作百般挑剔。 ph.
【口】想方設法做某事或獲取某事物 People were falling over themselves to be introduced to the visiting film star. 人們千方百計地想把自己介紹給到訪的影星。 ph.
【口】努力; 竭力 Although we bent over backwards to please her, our new manager was still very critical of our work. 儘管我們竭力討好新經理, 但她仍然對我們的工作百般挑剔。
PyDict ph.
【口】(尤用於祈使句或與動詞ing形式連用)停止做某事 Give over, can't you? I can't work with you chattering away like that. 到此為止吧, 行嗎?你這樣聊下去我就沒法工作了。 Give over complaining! 別發牢騷了!