1. an emotional state or reaction
- love
- , care
- , affection
- , fondness
- , tenderness
- , warmth
- , warmness
- , emotion
- , sentiment
- , passion
- , ardour
- , desire
- , lust
- , infatuation
- , adulation
- , adoration
- , reverence
- , devotion
- , compassion
- , sympathy
- , empathy
- , fellow feeling
- , understanding
- , concern
- , solicitude
- , solicitousness
- , tender-heartedness
- , brotherly love
- , pity
- , sorrow
- , commiseration
- , condolences
2. the emotional side of someone's character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond
3. an idea or belief, especially a vague or irrational one
- suspicion
- , sneaking suspicion
- , notion
- , inkling
- , hunch
- , fancy
- , apprehension
- , presentiment
- , premonition
- , foreboding
- , idea
- , vague idea
- , impression
- , gut feeling
- , feeling in one's bones
- , funny feeling
- , sixth sense
4. an attitude or opinion
- sentiment
- , emotion
- , emotional state
- , opinion
- , attitude
- , belief
- , ideas
- , views
- , view
- , impression
- , intuition
- , instinct
- , hunch
- , estimation
- , guess
- , theory
- , hypothesis
- , thought
- , way of thinking
- , point of view
5. the sensation of touching or being touched by a particular thing
6. a sensitivity to or intuitive understanding of
- aptitude
- , knack
- , flair
- , bent
- , talent
- , gift
- , skill
- , art
- , trick
- , faculty
- , ability
- , propensity
- , inclination
- , head
- , mind
- , brain
- , know-how