- KK[mɪks]
- DJ[miks]
- 使混和,攙和[(+with)];使結合;使結交[(+with)]
- 相混合,相溶合[(+with)];交往,交游[(+with)]
- 混和,攪和;結合[U][C];混和物;混雜的一群人[S][(+of)]
動詞變化:mixed / mixt / mixed / mixt / mixing
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 使混和,攙和[(+with)] The workmen mixed sand, gravel, and cement to make concrete. 工人們把沙,石子和水泥混和成混凝土。 Mix this oil with the paint and stir well. 把這油和漆攙在一起,好好攪拌。
- 2. 使結合;使結交[(+with)] We can sometimes mix business with pleasure. 我們有時能把工作和娛樂結合起來。
- 3. (給……)配製;調製[(+for)][O1] The doctor mixed him a bottle of medicine. 醫生為他配了一瓶藥。
- 4. 混淆,搞混[(+with)]
- 1. 相混合,相溶合[(+with)] Oil doesn't mix with water. 油和水不能混合。
- 2. 交往,交游[(+with)] He's mixing with the wrong people. 他交友不慎。 At the party, everybody mixed together happily. 在聚會中,大家相處一起很開心。
- 3. 發生牽連;參與[(+in)] Did he mix in the quarrel? 他有沒有參與那場爭吵?
- 4. (常用於否定句)相協調,相容[(+with)]
- 5. 雜交
- 1. 混和,攪和;結合[U][C]
- 2. 混和物;混雜的一群人[S][(+of)] A mix of people attended the meeting. 各色人等參加了那個會議。
- 3. 已調配好的做蛋糕等的材料[C] She often buys some cake mixes on weekends. 她通常在週末買些蛋糕混合料。
- 4. 【口】混亂;糊塗[S] She was so busy that she was in a mix. 她忙得頭腦發昏。
- 5. 歌曲錄音最後混合多種音效以達效果
vt. 混合;結合;溶合
「vt. 混合;使來往」的反義字
- 摻雜的
- mix的名詞複數
- 混雜的 the students are a very mixed bunch 這些學生互相間有很大的不同 last month, the weather was very mixed 上個月天氣變化不定
- 混合的,形形色色的,弄糊塗的混合的
- 把...和...混合起來 Oil does not mix with water. 油和水不能混在一起。 People sometimes mix business with pleasure. 人們有時把做生意和娛樂混在一起。
- 拌和; 弄混 The office mixed up our flight tickets and gave you mine. 辦事處把我們的機票搞亂了, 把我的那張給你了。 I always get their names mixed up. 我總是把他們的姓名混淆起來。
- 混音帶
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- 4
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[mɪks]
- 使…混合 to mix A and B together, to mix A with or and B 把A和B混合在一起 to mix business and or with pleasure 把社交活動和做生意結合起來
- 相混合; 水火不相容 to mix with sth. 與某物相混合 to mix together 混合在一起
- 混合物; 混雜的一群人 a cotton and polyester mix 棉滌 the correct mix of full-time to part-time staff 專職和兼職員工的恰當比例
- 混合物,混亂,糊塗使混合,弄混,使結合,混淆相混合,交往,參與