1. a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital
2. a person employed or trained to take charge of young children
- nanny
- , childminder
- , governess
- , au pair
- , nursemaid
- , crèche worker
- , childcarer
- , babysitter
- , nursery nurse
- , ayah
- , amah
- , metapelot
- , nursey
- , bonne
3. give medical and other attention to (a sick person)
4. try to cure or alleviate (an injury, injured part, or illness) by treating it carefully and protectively
5. harbour (a belief or feeling), especially for a long time
- harbour
- , foster
- , entertain
- , brood over
- , bear
- , have
- , hold (on to)
- , cherish
- , cling to
- , maintain
- , retain
6. take special care of, especially to promote development or well-being
- encourage
- , nurture
- , promote
- , boost
- , further
- , advance
- , contribute to
- , assist
- , help
- , cultivate
- , stimulate
- , protect
- , safeguard
- , keep alive
7. feed (a baby) at the breast
「1. take special care of, especially to promote development or well-being」的反義字