- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 罪過;犯法(行為);過錯[C][(+against)] For what offense was he arrested? 他是犯了什麼罪被捕的?
- 2. 冒犯;觸怒[U] She meant no offense by the remark. 她說那句話並無惡意。
- 3. 引起反感的事物[C][(+to)] That dirty old house is an offense to the eye. 那幢骯髒的舊房子令人看了很不舒服。
- 4. 進攻,攻擊[U] a weapon of offense 進攻的武器
n. 侵犯,過失,褻瀆
- violation
- , infraction
- , breach
- , transgression
- , trespass
- , infringement
- , misdeed
- , wrongdoing
- , dereliction
- , lapse
- , shortcoming
- , peccadillo
- , sin
- , desecration
- , profaneness
- , blasphemy
- , sacrilege
- , felony
- , charge
n. 犯罪
n. 暴行,憎恨
n. 討厭,反感,故意
- umbrage
- , resentment
- , huff
- , petulance
- , indignation
- , annoyance
- , tiff
- , displeasure
- , repugnance
- , disgust
- , repulsion
- , revulsion
- , aversion
- , disapprobation
- , opposition
- , antipathy
- , animosity
- , animus
- , enmity
- , hostility
- , hatred
- , detestation
n. 進攻,攻擊,襲擊
- attack
- , assault
- , onslaught
- , bombardment
- , storm
- , dragonnade
- , aggression
- , assailment
- , encounter
- , offensive
- , onset
- , charge
- , lunge
- , sortie
- , sally
- , invasion
- , incursion
- , raid
- , seige
- , blitzkrieg
- , blitz
- , run
「n. 違反;攻擊」的反義字
- offense的名詞複數
- 冒犯;挑釁
- 冒犯;挑釁
- (因……)發怒;生氣
- (因……)發怒;生氣
- 消除犯罪行為
- 妨害風化罪 To pose naked in a public place is an offense against public decency. 在公共場合赤身裸體就犯了妨害風化罪。
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