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  1. please

    • IPA[plēz]


    • v.
      cause to feel happy and satisfied;give satisfaction
    • adv.
      used in polite requests or questions;used to add urgency and emotion to a request
    • verb: please, 3rd person present: pleases, gerund or present participle: pleasing, past tense: pleased, past participle: pleased

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    • 1. used in polite requests or questions please address letters to the Editor what type of fish is this, please?
    • used to add urgency and emotion to a request please, please come home!
    • used to agree politely to a request “May I call you at home?” “Please do.”
    • used in polite or emphatic acceptance of an offer “Would you like a drink?” “Yes, please.”
    • used to ask someone to stop doing something of which the speaker disapproves Rita, please—people are looking
    • used to express incredulity or irritation You cleaned out the barn in only two hours? Oh, please!
    • adj.
      feeling or showing pleasure and satisfaction, especially at an event or a situation: both girls were pleased with their new hairstyles he seemed really pleased that she was there

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      feeling or showing pleasure and satisfaction, especially at an event or a situation: both girls were pleased with their new hairstyles he seemed really pleased that she was there

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to express indifference, especially when someone does not cooperate or behave as expected

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used as an emphatic or wheedling form of request

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      used as a wheedling form of request

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to emphasize a strong wish or hope

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to emphasize a strong wish or hope

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used in polite requests

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[pliːz]


    • v.
      cause to feel happy and satisfied: he arranged a fishing trip to please his son it pleased him to be seen with someone in the news
    • adv.
      used in polite requests or questions: please address letters to the Editor what type of fish is this, please?

    Oxford Dictionary