- KK[ˋpɑvɚtɪ]
- DJ[ˋpɔvəti]
- 貧窮,貧困;貧乏,缺少[S1][(+of/in)]
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 貧窮,貧困 His family lives below the poverty line. 他的一家生活極端艱苦。 He lived in poverty. 他生活貧窮。
- 2. 貧乏,缺少[S1][(+of/in)] The article shows a poverty of imagination. 這篇文章顯得缺乏想像力。 His later stories are not interesting because of their poverty of imagination. 他後來寫的故事因為缺乏想像力而枯燥乏味。
- 3. 不毛,貧瘠
- 4. 虛弱
n. 貧窮,貧困;窮困;困難;飢餓
- indigence
- , penury
- , impoverishment
- , impecuniousness
- , neediness
- , necessitousness
- , privation
- , destitution
- , pennilessness
- , beggary
- , pauperism
- , distress
- , difficulties
- , straits
- , narrow straits
- , starvation
- , hunger
- , bare cupboard
- , poorness
- , financial distress
- , hand-to-mouth existence
- , homelessness
n. 缺少,不足,耗盡,空
- lack
- , want
- , absence
- , dearth
- , paucity
- , scarcity
- , short supply
- , shortage
- , depletion
- , need
- , insufficiency
n. 貧乏;空乏
「n. 貧窮;貧乏;貧瘠」的反義字
- (修辭)貧苦不堪
- 貧富差距 Beware of the poverty gap trap. 小心貧富差距的陷阱。
- = poverty line
- 貧窮線,貧困線(衡量生活水準的尺度,在此線以下為貧困)
- 相對貧窮
- 赤貧 In some undeveloped African countries, people are still living in abject poverty. 在非洲一些未開發的國家裡,人民仍生活在赤貧中。
- 貧困陷阱(指領取政府救濟的人若要增加收入就不得不放棄某些救濟款項的境況)
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