1. (chiefly of animal or vegetable matter) decay or cause to decay by the action of bacteria and fungi; decompose
- decay
- , decompose
- , disintegrate
- , crumble
- , become rotten
- , corrode
- , perish
- , go bad
- , go off
- , spoil
- , go sour
- , moulder
- , go mouldy
- , taint
- , putrefy
- , fester
- , become gangrenous
- , mortify
- , necrose
- , sphacelate
2. gradually deteriorate, especially through neglect
- deteriorate
- , degenerate
- , decline
- , decay
- , fall into decay
- , go to rack and ruin
- , become dilapidated
- , go to seed
- , go downhill
- , languish
- , moulder
- , go to pot
- , go to the dogs
- , go down the toilet
3. any of a number of fungal or bacterial diseases that cause tissue deterioration, especially in plants
- decay
- , decomposition
- , corrosion
- , mould
- , mouldiness
- , mildew
- , blight
- , canker
- , putrefaction
- , putrescence
- , wet rot
- , dry rot
4. a process of deterioration; a decline in standards
5. nonsense; rubbish
- nonsense
- , rubbish
- , balderdash
- , gibberish
- , claptrap
- , blarney
- , blather
- , blether
- , hogwash
- , baloney
- , tripe
- , drivel
- , bilge
- , bosh
- , bull
- , bunk
- , hot air
- , eyewash
- , piffle
- , poppycock
- , phooey
- , hooey
- , malarkey
- , twaddle
- , guff
- , dribble
- , cobblers
- , codswallop
- , cock
- , stuff and nonsense
- , tosh
- , havers
- , garbage
- , flapdoodle
- , blathers
- , wack
- , bushwa
- , applesauce
- , bunkum
- , tommyrot
- , cod
- , gammon
- , crapola
「1. gradually deteriorate, especially through neglect」的反義字
「2. nonsense; rubbish」的反義字