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  1. shaft

    • IPA[SHaft]


    • n.
      a long, narrow part or section forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or a similar implement;an arrow or spear.
    • v.
      (of light) shine in beams;(of a man) have sex with.
    • verb: shaft, 3rd person present: shafts, gerund or present participle: shafting, past tense: shafted, past participle: shafted

    • noun: shaft, plural noun: shafts

    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. a long, narrow part or section forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or a similar implement the shaft of a golf club the shaft of a feather 同義詞 pole, stick, rod, staff, shank, ... 更多
    • an arrow or spear.
    • a column, especially the main part between the base and capital.
    • the part of a boot that covers the leg cowboy boots have a high shaft which almost reaches the top of the calf
    • a long cylindrical rotating rod for the transmission of motive power in a machine.
    • each of the pair of poles between which a horse is harnessed to a vehicle the shafts of a horse-drawn wagon
    • 2. a ray of light or bolt of lightning a shaft of sunlight 同義詞 ray, beam, gleam, streak, pencil, ... 更多
    • a sudden flash of a quality or feeling a shaft of inspiration
    • a remark intended to be witty, wounding, or provoking he directs his shafts against her 同義詞 cutting remark, barb, gibe, taunt, sting, ... 更多
    • 3. a long, narrow, typically vertical hole that gives access to a mine, accommodates an elevator in a building, or provides ventilation. 同義詞 mineshaft, tunnel, passage, pit, adit, ... 更多
    • 4. vulgar slang a penis.
    • North American informal harsh or unfair treatment the executives continue to raise their pay while the workers get the shaft


    • 1. (of light) shine in beams brilliant sunshine shafted through the skylight
    • 2. vulgar slang (of a man) have sex with.
    • informal treat (someone) harshly or unfairly I suppose she'll get a lawyer and I'll be shafted
    • n.
      the power delivered to a propeller or turbine shaft.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a mechanism in which power is transmitted from an engine by means of a driveshaft, especially ... diesel shaft drives all shaft-drive bikes tend to jack up and down as the rider adjusts the throttle

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a vertical shaft in a building through which a lift moves to different levels: he died after falling down a lift shaft

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a straight, typically vertical passage admitting air into a mine, tunnel, or building.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a small auxiliary or intermediate shaft in machinery.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a bullock used to pull a cart: over went the cart, carrying the shaft bullock with it

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a shaft with a universal joint at one or both ends.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a shaft transmitting power from an engine to a propeller or to the wheels of a motor vehicle; ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ʃɑːft]


    • n.
      a long, narrow part or section forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or ... the shaft of a golf club the shaft of a feather
    • v.
      (of light) shine in beams: brilliant sunshine shafted through the skylight

    Oxford Dictionary