1. affected by physical or mental illness
- ill
- , unwell
- , poorly
- , ailing
- , indisposed
- , laid up
- , bad
- , out of sorts
- , not oneself
- , off
- , off colour
- , under the weather
- , on the sick list
- , crook
- , crappy
2. feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit
- nauseous
- , nauseated
- , queasy
- , bilious
- , sick to one's stomach
- , green
- , green about the gills
- , seasick
- , carsick
- , airsick
- , travel-sick
- , suffering from motion sickness
- , suffering from altitude sickness
- , suffering from radiation sickness
- , about to throw up
- , barfy
- , qualmish
3. disappointed, mortified, or miserable
- disappointed
- , miserable
- , depressed
- , dejected
- , despondent
- , downcast
- , disconsolate
- , unhappy
- , low-spirited
- , distressed
- , angry
- , cross
- , enraged
- , annoyed
- , disgusted
- , displeased
- , disgruntled
- , fed up
- , grumpy
- , cheesed off
4. intensely annoyed with or bored by (someone or something) as a result of having had too much of them
- fed up with
- , bored with/by
- , tired of
- , weary of
- , jaded with/by
- , surfeited with/by
- , satiated with
- , glutted with/by
- , have had enough of
- , have had a basinful of
- , have had it up to here with
- , have had something up to here
5. (especially of humour) having something unpleasant such as death or misfortune as its subject and dealing with it in an offensive way
「1. affected by physical or mental illness」的反義字
「2. disappointed, mortified, or miserable」的反義字
「3. intensely annoyed with or bored by (someone or something) as a result of having had too much of them」的反義字
「4. (especially of humour) having something unpleasant such as death or misfortune as its subject and dealing with it in an offensive way」的反義字