1. often ill; in poor health
2. (of a person's complexion or expression) indicative of poor health
- pale
- , wan
- , pasty
- , colourless
- , sallow
- , pallid
- , white
- , waxen
- , ashen
- , ashen-faced
- , anaemic
- , bloodless
- , peaky
- , peakish
- , languid
- , listless
- , washed out
- , like death warmed up
- , peely-wally
- , etiolated
- , lymphatic
3. (of a flavour, smell, colour, etc.) unpleasant in a way that induces discomfort or nausea
4. excessively sentimental or mawkish
- sentimental
- , over-sentimental
- , overemotional
- , mawkish
- , cloying
- , sugary
- , syrupy
- , saccharine
- , sickening
- , nauseating
- , maudlin
- , lachrymose
- , banal
- , trite
- , twee
- , mushy
- , slushy
- , sloppy
- , schmaltzy
- , weepy
- , cutesy
- , lovey-dovey
- , gooey
- , drippy
- , sloshy
- , soupy
- , treacly
- , cheesy
- , corny
- , icky
- , sick-making
- , toe-curling
- , soppy
- , cornball
- , sappy
- , hokey
- , three-hanky
「1. often ill; in poor health」的反義字
「2. (of a person's complexion or expression) indicative of poor health」的反義字
「3. (of a flavour, smell, colour, etc.) unpleasant in a way that induces discomfort or nausea」的反義字