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  1. spend

    • IPA[spend]


    • v.
      pay out (money) in buying or hiring goods or services;pay out (money) for a particular person's benefit or for the improvement of something
    • n.
      an amount of money paid for a particular purpose or over a particular period of time
    • verb: spend, 3rd person present: spends, gerund or present participle: spending, past tense: spent, past participle: spent

    • noun: spend, plural noun: spends

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    • 1. informal an amount of money paid for a particular purpose or over a particular period of time the average spend at the cafe is about $10 a head
    • n.
      a policy, usually associated with the political left, of increasing taxes in order to fund an ... they remain committed to their tax-and-spend philosophy
    • v.
      implement a policy of raising taxes in order to increase spending: you can't tax-and-spend your way to prosperity

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      used euphemistically to refer to a need to urinate

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a political policy of increasing taxes in order to fund an increase in government spending: an old-fashioned, left-of-centre tax-and-spend party

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      urinate (used euphemistically)

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[spɛnd]


    • v.
      give (money) to pay for goods, services, or so as to benefit someone or something: the firm has spent £100,000 on hardware people are beginning to spend on the high street
    • n.
      an amount of money paid out: the average spend at the cafe is £10 a head

    Oxford Dictionary