1. a level of quality or attainment
2. a required or agreed level of quality or attainment
- guideline
- , norm
- , yardstick
- , benchmark
- , gauge
- , measure
- , criterion
- , guide
- , touchstone
- , model
- , pattern
- , example
- , exemplar
- , paradigm
- , ideal
- , archetype
- , specification
- , requirement
- , rule
- , principle
- , law
- , canon
3. something used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations
- guideline
- , norm
- , yardstick
- , benchmark
- , gauge
- , measure
- , criterion
- , guide
- , touchstone
- , model
- , pattern
- , example
- , exemplar
- , paradigm
- , ideal
- , archetype
- , specification
- , requirement
- , rule
- , principle
- , law
- , canon
4. principles of conduct informed by notions of honour and decency
5. a military or ceremonial flag carried on a pole or hoisted on a rope
- flag
- , banner
- , pennant
- , pennon
- , streamer
- , ensign
- , colour(s)
- , banderole
- , pendant
- , burgee
- , vexillum
- , gonfalon
- , guidon
- , labarum
6. used or accepted as normal or average
- normal
- , usual
- , typical
- , stock
- , common
- , ordinary
- , customary
- , conventional
- , habitual
- , accustomed
- , expected
- , wonted
- , everyday
- , regular
- , routine
- , day-to-day
- , daily
- , established
- , settled
- , set
- , fixed
- , traditional
- , quotidian
- , prevailing
7. (of a work, repertoire, or writer) viewed as authoritative or of permanent value and so widely read or performed
- definitive
- , established
- , classic
- , recognized
- , approved
- , accepted
- , authoritative
- , most reliable
- , most complete
- , exhaustive
- , official
「1. used or accepted as normal or average」的反義字