1. squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death
2. suppress (an impulse, action, or sound)
- suppress
- , smother
- , stifle
- , repress
- , restrain
- , hold back
- , hold in
- , fight back
- , bite back
- , gulp back
- , swallow
- , choke back
- , check
3. hamper or hinder the development or activity of
- hamper
- , hinder
- , impede
- , restrict
- , interfere with
- , inhibit
- , hold back
- , curb
- , check
- , restrain
- , constrain
- , prevent
- , put an end/stop to
- , stop
- , quash
- , squash
- , stamp out
- , destroy
- , crush
- , extinguish
- , deaden
- , damp down
- , subdue
- , suppress
- , repress
- , silence
- , muffle
- , mute
- , gag
「1. suppress (an impulse, action, or sound)」的反義字
「2. hamper or hinder the development or activity of」的反義字